SPSD Computer Usage Policy

The South Panola School District School Board wishes to make available to all students and staff access to computers, computer networked resources, and Internet Resources. The SPSD Board also desires these computers, networked resources and the Internet be used in ways appropriate for an educational institution. The intent is to make Computers, Network resources and the Internet available to improve the educational process, enhance student achievement and enhance productivity and related responsibilities and tasks where applicable.

Access to the district’s computers and network resources entails responsibility.  Access is a privilege, not a right.  All users are to be held responsible for appropriate behavior while using school computers, network resources and the Internet just as they are during any other school activity. General rules for behavior and communications apply.

Students, parents, staff and other network users should be aware that objectionable information may be found on the Internet.  Be warned that some material accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, objectionable, inaccurate, and / or potentially offensive. While SPSD will make reasonable attempts to filter objectionable material, the district will not be held responsible for inappropriate material.

Parents and guardians of students should impress upon their children the need for the appropriate use of media and information sources available via the Internet. Be advised, that some courses require Internet access and students must adherence to this policy.  Failure to agree and comply with this policy may require the loss of network privileges, the removal of a student from the course, and / or other disciplinary and legal action.

Ownership and Privacy issues for Computers and Network Resources

South Panola School District affirms ownership of computers and network resources that have been purchased with District funding sources. Network supervision and maintenance may require review and inspection of computers, hard drives, cache engines, routers and other electronic devices. The District reserves the right to record and monitor computer usage, access and review stored files, access and review email, messages, links on Computers and Network Devices within the School District. Courts have ruled that computers, computer hard drives, computer files, email records and other electronic information devices may be subpoenaed, and that appropriate administrators may examine electronic information in order to ascertain compliance with network guidelines for acceptable use.

 Statements and Disclaimers

South Panola School District will adhere to the Child Internet Protection Act Legislation, and other state and federal laws with reference to school network resources where applicable.

South Panola Schools may post pictures and names of staff and students on the school’s website that are viewable on the World Wide Web. Exclusions to this policy must be written to the School Principal requesting that no photos be published for a particular individual. These efforts are being made to give positive exposure to all individuals and related school activities.

This Acceptable use policy will be posted in student handbooks, staff handbooks and on the South Panola Web Site. Signatures of the student handbook which encompasses this policy are to be kept on file in the principal’s area. 

The School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing.  The school system will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any user.  Use of any information via the Internet is at the risk of the user.

General guidelines for using computers, network resources and the Internet 

Individuals will be held responsible for their behavior and communication while accessing network resources and the Internet. Students, staff and other computer network users are responsible for appropriate behavior on computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway. Some common issues are discussed below:

June 2012 : The South Panola School Board has approved a District Internet Safety Policy in addition to this Acceptable Computer, Network Resources and Internet Use Policy to strengthen its stand on Internet Usage. This Internet Safety Policy can be found in the School Board Minutes and is linked from the South Panola School District Home Page.

Don’t use school network resources for illegal purpose. Don’t pirate software or violate copyright laws. All software installed on district computers must be licensed. Other than district or state provided software, any additional software to be installed must have prior approval of the principal, technology director,  or superintendent. 

Don’t search for, access, display or transmit offensive messages or objectionable materials or inappropriate non educational web site. Don’t access or transmit any material that promotes violence or the destruction of property. Don’t share passwords or access another user’s account. Don’t change files, desktop settings, screensavers, or other system/network settings that do not belong to you. Don’t post chain letters or engage in “Spamming”. Don’t use, disclose, disseminate, or divulge personal and/or private information about yourself, minors or any others. Don’t employ or perform network actions disruptive to the normal operations of school.

In general the computer is not to be used as an entertainment box or radio.  Technology is not to be used to download music. PBS, educational recordings and speeches for classroom enhancement is encouraged. But, Internet radio for non educational use is discouraged. Programs like kazaa,  audiogalaxy, GNutella, Warze, AIM, and Zebra should not be installed. Programs like instant messenger or weather bug that have an always on, constant connection should not be installed. Technology is not to be used to play online games, access chat rooms, dating services, or non instructional bulletin board messaging sites. Technology resources are not provided as a baby sitting device or as a free for all. Just because its lunch or study hall or instruction has finished for the period is not a reason for individuals to play computer games or randomly surf the web.

All services, including Google Hangouts Meet, should be used only for intended and permissible educational purposes. Pursuant to the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, usage of resources operated by the District may be monitored by the District. Students who abuse or misuse District technology resources may be subject to disciplinary action.    

Violations may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, the Internet. Violations may also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.

Observed abuse of computers, network resources and/or the Internet should be reported to the teacher, supervisor, principal, Technology Director or Superintendent.

Network User Agreement

For anyone to access the district computer network she/he must agree and adhere to this acceptable use policy. 

Students and Parents

By signing the student handbook; I hereby agree to comply with the South Panola School District Board Policy on acceptable computer, network resources and Internet usage. I understand that my child will be subject to disciplinary action for violations of the Acceptable Use Policy Violations may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, the Internet. Violations may also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.


By accepting employment with South Panola Schools: I hereby agree to comply with the South Panola School District Board Policy on acceptable computer, network resources and Internet usage. Violations may result in a loss of access to computers, network resources, the Internet. Violations may also include other disciplinary and / or legal action.

Therefore: If you do not agree with this policy and choose not to access South Panola School District computers, networked information resources and the Internet, please notify the school Principal, Technology Director or Superintendent in writing.


Guests or any others are required to sign below before using South Panola Network Resources.

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