Bus Rules
Be waiting at your stop 5 minutes early. (This does NOT mean inside your house.)
If you need to cross the street, wait for traffic to stop; driver will motion for you when it is safe to pass in front of the bus to load or unload
Obey the Bus Driver: Hasle caso al conductor del autobus
No unauthorized items on the bus. (No weapons, tobacco, combustibles, pets, large items, etc.)
Be nice and courteous.
Keep the bus clean.
No profanity and NO FIGHTING.
Keep your hands and head inside the bus.
Do not throw anything, anywhere.
Stay in your seat. Driver may assign seats.
No eating or drinking.
Damage to the bus interior may result in student paying for the damage.
Emergency door/window may only be open in case of an emergency.
Do not distract or bother the driver through loud talking or misbehavior.
Report any problems you may have to the driver as soon as possible.
SPSD and drivers are not responsible for articles left on the bus.
NOTICE: Use or possession of gang graffiti, gang drawings, gang writings, gang dress, or gang activities of any kind may result in expulsion from school.
Violations Will Be Reported to Your School Prinicipal.
Punishment may include removing you from the bus permanently.
School Prinicipals Will Determine Any Punishments.
Students not at their assigned stops in the mornings, or have not properly boarded on the on time at the school in the afternoon will be left.
A driver may only allow students to unload at their assigned stop, unless prior arrangements are made and approved by a school principal or administrator.
Students may not have friends ride home without prior approval by a school administrator.
A request must be communicated in writing by the parent (s) of the student (S) involved, approved in writing and communicated clearly to the bus driver by the school.