Membership/Donation Information

Grant Information/Requirements

To be considered for a grant, the applicant must be a member of the Foundation for Public Education, the application can be found online under the SPSD website, click on Foundation for Public Education.  This can be turned in with the grant application: the teacher fee for membership is $15.

The deadline for the grant is Thursday, September 29, 2022.  This will be due in the SPSD office by noon on September 29.  Only ONE application per teacher/staff member.  Turn in the original and 2 copies in an envelope marked "FPE Application."  Be sure you have signed the application sheet along with the signature of the principal or assistant principal.

These grants are for academic purposes – they will not cover textbooks or technology which may be obtained and/or distributed by the SPSD Technology Department.  A project can only be funded if there are no other revenues by which it can be financed in a timely manner by the school district.  We want to improve student academic achievement by encouraging education innovation and providing new and enhanced instructional means.

This cannot be used to strictly buy stickers, prizes, etc. to give out for good work.

 Grants which are submitted using identical information for grants will be discarded.  We expect an applicant to make the application their own, with their own program prescription, showing that you have investigated and written it.  Also, the grant money will stay at the school and grade level for which it was applied.  No transferring to other grades or schools. 

Be sure the itemized sheet is for specifically what is needed to cover the grant.  Do not forget to add shipping and handling costs, as well as taxes.  Items listed on the application will be checked against what is ordered. 

Judges will be given blind copies of the applications to ensure there is no bias in judging. These judges are chosen from our community of retired educators, business owners, community leaders and parents.  The FPE directors do not judge these grants. 

All projects must first be approved by the FPE Board of Directors and by the Superintendent of Education. 

If you do not choose to apply for a grant, we ask that you please consider becoming a member or purchase our car tag. All memberships received before September 29 will be entered for a prize drawing.

Thank you for your support of the South Panola Foundation for Public Education.