Gifted Education

South Panola School District screens all first and second graders annually.
Characteristics of Gifted Children
- Reasons well (good thinker)
- Learns rapidly
- Has extensive vocabulary
- Has an excellent memory
- Has a long attention span
- Sensitive (feelings hurt easily)
- Shows compassion
- Perfectionist
- Intense
- Morally sensitive
- Has strong curiosity
- Perseverant in interests
- Has a high degree of energy
- Prefers older companions
- Has a wide range of interests
- Has a great sense of humor
- Early or avid reader
- Concerned with justice, fairness
- Judgment mature for age
- Is a keen observer
- Has a vivid imagination
- Is highly creative
- Tends to question authority
- Has facility with numbers
- Good at jigsaw puzzles
- Inventive
- Is highly self-critical
- Highly curious
- Draws inferences
- Beyond the group
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of gifted education?
The purpose of Mississippi’s gifted programs is to ensure that gifted children who demonstrate unusually high potential are identified and offered an appropriate education based upon their exceptional abilities. Because of their unusual capabilities, they require uniquely qualitatively different educational experiences not available in the regular classroom These uniquely different programs are required to enable gifted students to realize their abilities and potential contributions to self and society.
Is there a definition of “gifted”?
Yes. The current federal definition is: Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.
What services does our school provide for gifted students?
The Mississippi Gifted Education Act of 1989, as amended in 1993, mandates that each public school district within the state provide gifted education programs for intellectually gifted students in grades 2-6. South Panola School District provides services for intellectually gifted students in grades 2-8.
Who can refer a student for the gifted consideration?
A teacher, parent, administrator, counselor, peer, or the student may request the student be considered for the intellectually gifted program.