

 Below are useful websites and other resources for teachers, students and parents which can be used in conjunction with the SPHS Media Center.

 Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media is a great website for parents. It provides descriptive reviews on books, movies, and more. The reviews look at all content areas and rates the book by age appropriateness. 

Kelly Gallagher — For Reading and Writing

An awesome website for teachers to use. Kelly Gallagher provides short news articles that are great for classroom use. You can find these articles under

Ebook library

You can now access the SPH Ebook library from your personal/school device. You can access the books by going to the SPSD homepage and choosing Follett Shelf under the Popular Links tab, or you can click the following link:

Follett Shelf

In order to check out an ebook, you will first need to get a username and password from the librarian. Please email Mrs. Estridge to request login information.