College, University & Scholarship Information
the First Place to Start Looking for Scholarships is Your College
Check out the school website under prospective or future students, apply using the online admissions application, and check out scholarships that are offered by the school. You will usually have to complete an online scholarship application for four-year colleges. After applying, ask your school counselor to send your transcript to these schools. Housing applications are also online for four-year colleges. (Hint: Apply Early!)
For community colleges, print the application from the webstie and then mail to the school if you are unable to apply online.
Mississippi Public Universities
Alcorn State University
Delta State University
Jackson State University
Mississippi State University
Mississippi University for Women
Mississippi Valley State University
University of Mississippi
University of Southern Mississippi
Mississippi Private Colleges
Belhaven University
Blue Mountain College
Millsaps College
Mississippi College
Rust College
Tougaloo College
William Carey University
Area Community Colleges
Northwest MS Community College
Northeast MS Community College
Itawamba Community College
College Scholarships
Check the website of the college(s) you plan to attend!!
Summer Opportunities
Helpful websites
Browse the webistes below to aid you in your search for scholarships.
Scholarships 360
College Scholarship
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Scholarships for College Students