Literacy-Based Promotion Act for 3rd Graders

Literacy-Based Promotion Act
This page has been created to provide our Pope parents with information about the Literacy-Based Promotion Act that affects our third-grade students in the state of Mississippi.
This video provides parents an overview of the legislation, as well as strategies that can be used at home to help improve reading outcomes for children.
Click on a link below to open a document (pdf) and learn more:
Classworks is a software program purchased by Batesville Intermediate School for our second- and third-grade students to use for enrichment or remediation. To log in, students may click the Classworks icon above and use their 9-digit MSIS # for their username and abcd1234 is the password for all students. Once students are in the program, they can choose the assignment labeled with the target icon. Parents may use Active Parent to create an account where they can locate their child's MSIS number.